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The Recovery Campus: Crisis Services & Supportive Housing in One Place

Jeff Burkhead

Updated: 3 days ago

Douglas County health care agencies are collaborating to build an integrated system of care that moves from crisis and illness as a norm to recovery and prevention as a practice.

To achieve that vision, the Health Leadership Coalition (HLC) has developed a proposal to build a recovery campus located immediately adjacent to Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center and across the street from Lawrence Memorial Hospital and Heartland Community Health Center.

The proposed campus will have the following buildings and services for individuals with serious mental illness and substance use disorders:

Turning Point

The 14-bed treatment and recovery center would be open 24/7 and provide: 23-hour observation, medication-assisted detox, crisis stabilization for up to 72 hours, respite beds for stays of up to 14 days..

Transitional housing

This housing, which will be a congregate-style living setting, will serve up to 12 clients of Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center. These clients will attend programs designed to enhance their recovery and transition back into the community. Length of stay generally will be 6 to 12 months, but may vary depending on the client's stage of recovery.

Permanent supportive housing

There will be 10 permanent supportive housing apartments owned and operated by the Lawrence Douglas County Housing Authority. Residents will be individuals with a diagnosed behavioral health condition and required to meet established criteria determined by the Housing Authority to live in the apartments. Individuals can stay in them forever, if needed, or they can transition out of them.

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